As I was channel-hopping last night I came to
MuchMusic's Top 10 show. They were doing the Top 10 Carni Videos- although most (if not all) of the songs don't have any circus or carnival themes, the videos themselves are full of crazy characters and colourful costumes (alliteration, anyone?) Here's the Top 10.
TENOutkast - "The Whole World"
NINEMarilyn Manson - "Mobscene"
EIGHTChristina Aguilera, Mya, Lil' Kim and Pink - "Lady Marmalade"
SEVENBilly Talent - "Fallen Leaves"
SIXColdplay - "The Hardest Part"
FIVESystem of a Down - "Aerials"
FOURNine Inch Nails - "Starfuckers" (or as it's known on TV, "Starsuckers")
THREESweatshop Union - "The Truth We Speak"
TWOPanic! At The Disco - "I Write Sins Not Tradgedies"
ONE Christina Aguilera - "Hurt"
One video they left out was One Ton's "Supersexworld" which a remember from a few years back. And I'm sure there are many more!